Saturday, August 31, 2013

When Fandoms Collide

Being a fan is fun. In our family we support each other's interests even when we don't share them. If I haven't mentioned it lately we live in Knoxville. My husband also so happened to graduate college from UT. And will you look at that, it just so happens to be Labor Day Weekend. You can probably guess where this is going.  Football time in Tennessee. To better celebrate I created our own little VOL army.  Inspired by an old friend who does great work with the 501st MidSouth Garrison

Monday, August 26, 2013

Old gift bags

We celebrated our daughter's 5th birthday this weekend and along with a kid's birthday party come gift bags. I like to save them for re-gifting but what usually ends up happening is I fold them up put them away then forget where they are and end up buying new ones anyway.  Rather than doing that again I turned them into envelopes for sending out thank you notes for all the party guests. If I were really miss organized I would have made note of which bag went with each guest and sent them back to the original gift giver but no. I'm not that person. Here are some of the envelopes I made today using my handy Stampin Trimmer and my Simply Scored diagonal plate. Best part... I get to feel all smug about saving the earth while getting my craft on.

These envelopes fit standard 5 1/2  by 4 1/4 inch cards. To make them simply cut your paper into 7 3/4 inch squares then score two opposite corners at 4 1/8 inches on your diagonal plate. Finally score the two remaining corners at 3 1/8 inches, fold and glue. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

New Christmas Stamps

Prince of Peace Clear-Mount Stamp Set
Eight (8) Individual Christmas stamps are now available. These are Brand Spankin' New and not even in the holiday catalog. You can order them online or through me.
 Follow this handy LINK to see all the Single Christmas stamps and some other new stamps not yet available in catalogs.

Wonderful Blessing Clear-Mount Stamp Set

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Fandom Paperdolls

 Yes it took me long enough but hopefully it was worth the wait. A few posts back I pointed out some designer paper that looks like the wall paper from the BBC Sherlock series. Being a bit of a SuperWhoLock fan I was inspired to, well, make the characters out of paper.   (Here the word bit means really a lot but I don't want to freak anyone out) Pretty early on in the project I was struck by how all the detached body parts cut out of paper looked very serial killer-esque  but I pressed on. Never let a little creepy get in the way of a good craft project.

If you want to try it at home start by printing out plain black and white pictures and cutting around the shapes. the more detailed the better. Next cut apart the pieces into all the different colors of paper you will use and glue the template to the correct colored papers. Finally cut out your colored papers following the template and reassemble them.
 You might want to label the parts as you cut them out. It makes reassembly much easier

This is the creepy part I was talking about. Don't worry it gets better

Finally we have my tribute in paper to Sherlock

And my tribute in paper to Supernatural

If you live in Knox, Sevier or Blount County Tennessee and want in person help with a project like this, drop me an email. As a Stampin' Up! independent demonstrator that is part of what I do. Outside of East Tennessee I can put you in touch with another demonstrator to help you. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Promotion Time

A really good promotion on My paper Pumpkin this month. If you haven't heard of it, Paper Pumpkin is a monthly subscription for papercraft fun. Every month you get stamps ink and paper and other sundry accesories in the mail  to make a new project. It's like having your own mini workshop at home. Subscription cost is usually $19.99 but you can sign up now using the promo code Pumpkindeal and get your first two months for only $10.00 each plus tax.

Don't forget to choose me (Rachel Phelps) as your demonstrator. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Hand Made Notebooks

I'm really proud of how well these little notebooks turned out. Can you tell by how large I made the pictures? If you have a sewing machine and can sew a straight line you can make these. I will definitely be holding a workshop to let people give it a try. If you are in Knoxville and want to attend shoot me a comment or email. the workshop will be in September. Plenty of time to make a bunch for stocking stuffers or as Christmas gifts for teachers.  Stamp sets accessories are listed below

Flower Shop
Best of Butterflies

Pansy Punch
Chevron embossing folder
Fancy Fan embossing folder