Monday, August 26, 2013

Old gift bags

We celebrated our daughter's 5th birthday this weekend and along with a kid's birthday party come gift bags. I like to save them for re-gifting but what usually ends up happening is I fold them up put them away then forget where they are and end up buying new ones anyway.  Rather than doing that again I turned them into envelopes for sending out thank you notes for all the party guests. If I were really miss organized I would have made note of which bag went with each guest and sent them back to the original gift giver but no. I'm not that person. Here are some of the envelopes I made today using my handy Stampin Trimmer and my Simply Scored diagonal plate. Best part... I get to feel all smug about saving the earth while getting my craft on.

These envelopes fit standard 5 1/2  by 4 1/4 inch cards. To make them simply cut your paper into 7 3/4 inch squares then score two opposite corners at 4 1/8 inches on your diagonal plate. Finally score the two remaining corners at 3 1/8 inches, fold and glue. 

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